Sen. Rand Paul on Tuesday stuck by his "red meat" comments from Monday night, but also reiterated that he and Sen. Ted Cruz aren't that far apart on issues.
Paul told Fox News Channel's Megyn Kelly Monday night that he has spent the last two years going to people who don't typically vote Republican while Cruz focuses more on tossing red meat that ignites conservatives, but turns off others.
Cruz announced his candidacy for president on Monday, and Paul is expected to do the same on April 7.
Appearing on Fox News Channel's
"Hannity" on Tuesday, Paul didn't back down from the statement, but said that when people like he and Cruz, who both occupy the tea party wing of the GOP, are so close on issues, it is "nuances" such their approach to winning votes that makes a difference.
"One of those might be winnability," Paul said, saying that polls show him as the only Republican who can beat expected Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.
"I think that's because we've tried very hard to pick up the independent vote, and voters who haven't been voting Republican," he said. "And, frankly, that's how you win elections."