House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., says to expect to see an Obamacare repeal and replacement by the end of the year.
Ryan, in an interview airing Wednesday on Fox News Channel's "Hannity," said his chamber passed a bill in May, and it is the Senate that is gumming up the works.
"I can control what we can control," he said. "We're doing our job in the House and rooting for our friends in the Senate to get it done. We're disappointed in healthcare, but we have a chance to get the big things done."
"Will it be done by December?" host Sean Hannity asked.
"That's my plan," Ryan said, but admitted the Senate has something to say about it.
But since the bill was passed through the budget reconciliation process, it prevents Democrats from using the filibuster rule to stall.
"That's why I think we're going to get it done," Ryan said.
But to do so, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., will have to persuade four wary members of his own party to come on board. The current bill is two votes shy of the 50 needed.