Fifty-two percent of voters think less favorably of the Republican Party because of Donald Trump's presidency, a new Quinnipiac University poll reveals.
The survey also found 16 percent say Trump's presidency makes them think of the GOP more favorably, while 30 percent say Trump has no impact on their views of the party.
Here are the highlights of the results released Wednesday:
- 39 percent of Republicans think more favorably of the GOP because of Trump, 18 percent say he makes them think less favorably of the party, and 42 percent say the president has no impact on their views.
- 84 percent of Democrats think less favorably of the Republican Party because of Trump, 2 percent more favorably, and 11 percent say he has had no impact on their views of the GOP.
- 51 percent of all those polled say they would vote for the Democratic candidate if the House elections were held today, compared to 42 percent who would vote for the Republican candidate. (A Quinnipiac University poll taken three weeks ago showed Democrats with a 51-39 point lead.)
- 48 percent say the Democratic Party does the better job of representing their values, compared to 41 percent who said the GOP does.
- 44 percent say the Senate should confirm Brett Kavanaugh as a Supreme Court justice, while 39 percent are opposed to his confirmation.
The poll, conducted Aug. 9-13, surveyed 1,175 voters. The margin of error is plus or minus 3.4 percentage points.