Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, said Republicans are making "steady progress" on healthcare, noting Tuesday the end goal is to lower the cost of premiums.
"It's gonna take more discussions," Cruz said. "The most critical question is how do we lower premiums? That's been my central focus from the beginning."
The Washington Post captured video of Cruz's comments.
Cruz said he and Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., have been leading a working group this year that has been tasked with improving healthcare.
"The discussions of the working group have really focused on common sense reforms that would expand options, expand competition, and give consumers more choices, which will lower premiums and make health insurance more affordable," Cruz said. "If we do that, we will have succeeded. We need to do more to get that to happen, but I believe we can and will get that done."
Later, Cruz said, "This is a process of bringing the conference together, uniting Republicans. I think we're making steady progress in that regard, but we still got a way to go."
Senate Republicans were hoping to hold a floor vote on the Better Care Reconciliation Act this week, but it was announced Tuesday it has been pushed back until after the July 4 recess.