Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry is expected to announce his second run for the White House on Thursday in an event that will showcase several current and retired Navy SEALs as well as
Taya Kyle, widow of "American Sniper" author Chris Kyle.
The Republican, 65, who stepped down in January as the Lone Star State's longest-serving governor, will be joined by his wife and family,
according to a statement from Perry's RickPAC organization.
Besides Taya Kyle, other speakers include:
- U.S. Navy SEAL Morgan Luttrell
- Retired Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell, author of "Lone Survivor," and his wife, Melanie
- Retired Marine Corps Capt. Dan Moran
- Retired Navy SEAL Pete Scobell
- Retired Navy Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technician Paul Craig
Perry ran for the 2012 presidential nomination before eventually endorsing former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.