Republican National Committee spokesperson Kayleigh McEnany blasted House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., calling her a “gift” to the GOP.
Her comments came during a Tuesday interview on Fox News' “Fox & Friends.”
“Well, the message of Republicans is: Defeat Nancy Pelosi,” she said. “This has been a constant for us going back to 2010 when we picked up 63 House seats. Do you know how we did that? We did that because in 70 percent of Republican ads we cited Nancy Pelosi.
“Outside of Hillary Clinton, she is the single greatest gift to the Republican Party.
“Every single election we tie Democratic candidates to her. It’s why you now have more two dozen candidates running against their own leadership. It’s remarkable.
“They are saying we don’t want Nancy Pelosi – and these are Democrats across the country saying this.”
According to NBC News, over 50 Democratic candidates and incumbents would not support Pelosi for speaker if Democrats regain control of the House in November.