Russians leaked emails appearing to show the Democratic National Committee was fighting for Hillary Clinton on purpose just before the party's convention opened, Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook insisted Tuesday morning, and he finds it "troubling and puzzling" Donald Trump is calling for the United States to make friends with that country.
"All I know is what experts are telling us, [that it was] likely Russian actors who went in and took those emails, because they are the ones that have the emails," Mook told
MSNBC's "Morning Joe" program.
"The markings they got were through Russia. They are the ones that released them. I think the timing around the convention was not a coincidence."
On Monday, Trump told a North Carolina audience it would be
"nice" for the United States and Russia to get along.
"When you think about it, wouldn't it be nice if we got along with Russia?" Trump said. "Wouldn't it be nice if we got together with Russia and knocked the hell out of ISIS?"
In addition, Mook pointed out, the Republican Party platform has removed aid for Ukraine, and Trump has said he does not necessarily believe the United States needs to work with NATO allies against Russia if those countries have not paid their fair share to belong to the alliance.
Mook said the DNC is reviewing the situation and the resignation of Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz as the group's leader. He also insisted Trump "is a bully" who attacks "anybody who tries to criticize him."
As part of the interview, the show played a segment of Trump's speech on Monday, where he complained about problems with the air conditioning, and he does not pay places that have poor services.
"Listen to what he's saying," said Mook. "He didn't pay the bill . . . He has been sued by thousands of low wage workers who didn't get paid, companies who didn't get paid. This is someone who makes a quick buck, gets out, goes bankrupt and leaves people footing the bill.
"They need to pay attention to what he says. This erratic temperament is a threat to our security and country."
Meanwhile, the race is close between Clinton and Trump, but Mook said Tuesday night's convention will feature talk about how she spent decades fighting for children and families.
"Hillary Clinton is a workhorse not a show horse," said Mook. "Most Americans don't understand, she has been fighting for decades. She has the scars to show for it."