The Mitt Romney fundraising machine rolls on. Restore Our Future, a “Super PAC” that former political aides to the Republican presidential candidate organized to back his 2012 bid, drew $12 million of donations in the first half of the year,
The Washington Post reports.
“There is tremendous support across the country for Mitt Romney,” said Charlie Spies, one of the PAC’s founders. “Americans are coming out in support of Governor Romney because they are confident he has the experience to turn our economy around.”
The PAC can accept unlimited donations but must report the amounts and the donors who made them to the Federal Election Commission. All $12 million of the PAC’s cash is still on hand, so it represents a formidable campaign weapon.
Meanwhile, Romney had nothing but compliments for unions at a town hall meeting in Wolfeboro, N.H. Tuesday,
Politico reports.
“Unions have played a very important role historically in balancing in some cases the egregious actions of some employers and have been important to the development of our economy,” he said. That puts the ex-Massachusetts governor a bit to the left of his fellow GOP candidates on union issues.
Romney was answering a questioner who criticized a recent National Labor Relations Board ruling against Boeing’s decision to locate a plant in South Carolina, instead of in union-friendly Washington State.
“There are some unions that continue to train their workers effectively, their members effectively,” Romney said. “But in some cases, the bosses that are running the unions perhaps put the interests of themselves ahead of the interests of their workers. And that may have been what happened in South Carolina.”