It's critical that President Donald Trump get back on the road and hold rallies, but they'll be held in a way that keeps people attending safe while the coronavirus pandemic continues, Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said Tuesday.
"When we went to North Carolina and I spoke to the governor, talking about the convention, we were talking about doing temperature checks, testing everybody before they came in," McDaniel said on Fox News' "Fox and Friends." "I think that will be the same with the rallies. They will make sure that they are putting safety procedures in place to make sure that every attendee is taken care of."
Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale said in a statement Monday that the president plans to restart his MAGA campaign rallies within the next two weeks, despite the coronavirus pandemic.
"The Great American Comeback is real and the rallies will be tremendous," Parscale said. "You'll again see the kind of crowds and enthusiasm that Sleepy Joe Biden can only dream of."
McDaniel said Tuesday that she believes the rallies will be the full-scale events, which typically attract thousands of Trump supporters. She also noted the recent World Health Organization's comments on the spread of coronavirus, quipping that "asymptomatic people now aren't contagious."
"People want to get out and rally," said McDaniel. "The enthusiasm for him is through the roof."
However, that enthusiasm isn't spreading to Republicans like McDaniel's uncle, Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah. McDaniel said that it's no surprise her uncle isn't voting for Trump, as he didn't in 2016, and she admitted she's "troubled" that there are Republican leaders like him and former Secretary of State Colin Powell who are speaking out about the president.
"But I will tell you what, the base of the party is solidly behind him," she added.