Comedian Roseanne Barr said in a new interview she's hoping Donald Trump wins the presidential election, but she fell short of giving an actual endorsement.
In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Barr said, "I think we would be so lucky if Trump won. Because then it wouldn't be Hillary."
When asked what she thinks of Clinton, Barr didn't hold back her discontent for the former first lady.
"She's friends with everybody that gives her any goddamned money," Barr said. "The fact is, you don't get to be the nominee without taking a lot of dirty money. You might be the best [expletive] person on earth, but if you're hanging out with criminals who do bad things, that matters a lot."
Barr said she likes Trump "because he financed his own [campaign]. That's the only way he could've gotten that nomination. Because nobody wants a president who isn't from Yale and Harvard and in the club."
Barr ran for president in 2012, first as a member of the Green Tea Party and, after she did nor earn that party's nomination, the Peace and Freedom Party. She's best known for her long-running "Roseanne" sitcom.
Barr posted several messages on her Twitter account after The Hollywood Reporter story was published.