The Taliban has shown their true colors amid potentially historic peace deal talks at Camp David, according to Sen. Roy Blunt, R-Mo.
"Even the idea that you can negotiate with the Taliban, the problems with that have been very evident this week," Blunt told NBC's "Meet the Press." "That the Taliban, at this critical moment, when they knew they were coming to Camp David – I didn't know they were coming to Camp David – but at this critical moment they decide to brag about a car bomb, killing an American soldier.
"I think it just shows who they are - and this will get dramatically worse if we decide to leave."
While a war in Afghanistan will eventually have to end, Blunt admits, leaving the country to the Taliban and as a safe haven for terrorism would make the situation "worse" even if it is not getting better amid the longest running war in American history.
"The Taliban, as the president pointed out [Saturday], even in the middle of negotiations, has to brag about killing an American soldier," Blunt told host Chuck Todd.
"If we leave there, that becomes the safe haven it was [for 9/11 terrorists]."