The Donald Trump campaign has another slogan for its White House run: "Make Mexico Great Again Also."
Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani spoke to the crowd in Phoenix before Trump's speech on immigration Wednesday night and he stunned the crowd by putting on a new hat.
"I'm gonna put this hat on," said Giuliani, who put on the white cap with black lettering.
Mediaite captured an image of Giuliani and his hat.
"Donald Trump made it clear that obviously he understands and respects and admires tremendously the contributions of Mexican-Americans who have come here legally over the years, first generation, second generation, third generation," Giuliani said.
Trump and his campaign entourage traveled to Mexico City earlier Wednesday to meet with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto. The pair discussed several issues, including NAFTA, keeping jobs in North America, and Trump's proposed border wall that will separate the two countries.
During Wednesday's speech, Trump said Mexico will pay for the wall despite Nieto's insistence otherwise.