Russian President Vladimir Putin has a "bad" untold secret about Donald Trump that will eventually come out, Joe Scarborough said on Friday.
"Vladimir Putin has something on Donald Trump," Scarborough charged Friday on his "Morning Joe" show on MSNBC.
"Let me say it again, because there’s been a lot of noise from Donald Trump over the past year since he’s been president. Vladimir Putin has something that he is holding over Donald Trump’s head. And it is bad."
And the former Republican congressman said he believes the current Trump controversy involving his alleged affair with porn star Stormy Daniels pales to "the biggest truth that Donald Trump doesn’t want out."
"So what is Donald Trump hoping? He is not hoping he can just brush aside a story of a porn star. He’s hoping when the truth comes out about what Vladimir Putin has and has had hanging over his head for decades, possibly, that we will all be too numb to notice," Scarborough said.
"Ten tweets a day, five lies a day, bread and circuses, all of these game show, reality show distractions ... That’s all he’s hoping. He wants to numb the American people. He wants to numb the electorate. He wants to numb everybody."
Scarborough did not elaborate on what information Putin may have about Trump.
The commander in chief has been criticized for what one Democrat called his "bromance" with Putin. And in November, Sen. John McCain slammed Trump’s comments that he sincerely believed Putin meant it when he said he didn’t meddle in the 2016 presidential election.