Environmental Protection Agency head Scott Pruitt said Friday that "true environmentalism . . . [is] environmental stewardship," The Washington Post reported.
"What is true environmentalism?" Pruitt asked during an interview. "I think it's environmental stewardship — not prohibition. The last administration talked about putting up fences. [They said,] 'Let's not develop, we're not going to use the natural resources to feed the world and power the world.'
"I think that's wrong. I think our focus should be on using our natural resources — with environmental stewardship in mind. … We can be about jobs and growth and be good stewards of our environment. The last several years we've been told we can't do both."
The former Oklahoma attorney general added that despite his close ties to various industries that the EPA regulates, he describes this as a strength rather than a conflict of interest.
"I don't hang with polluters; I prosecute them," he said. "I think it's important in this agency to deal with the bad actors. The difference … is that the agency historically has viewed all industry and all stakeholders as adversaries, as opposed to partners and allies in improving the environment. … When you have that kind of … blanket approach, you don't achieve good things for the environment."
However, Pruitt has drawn criticism over his willingness to listen to corporations more than career EPA staff.
"On pesticides, chemical solvents and air pollutants, Pruitt and his deputies are using industry figures to challenge past findings and recommendations of the agency's own scientists," The Post's Juliet Eilperin and Brady Dennis reported last week.
"Pruitt has questioned the legitimacy of the agency's work on climate science, and continued pressing for the White House to create a 'red team-blue team' effort to debate the expert consensus on climate change."