Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker said in a
Townhall interview that the Republican national convention in Cleveland will be an "open" convention, because it can be triggered only by voters and decided by delegates.
In an interview with Guy Benson, Walker categorized a "brokered" convention as one organized by party "elites" such as in the Democrats' superdelegate system.
Abraham Lincoln was elected in an open convention and "I think most Americans would say Abraham Lincoln was a pretty good president," said Walker.
Walker has endorsed Texas Sen. Ted Cruz for president and believes Cruz will win the nomination at the convention, noting no one would have enough delegates on the first ballot, but he believes Cruz would win "either on the second or the third at the latest."
The two-term governor did not rule out being part of the nomination process at the convention and says he doesn't "see any way that [Ohio Gov. John] Kasich or anybody else gets it." Adding that voters who have backed "either Cruz or Trump" would view a new nominee as being "unfair and not right."
Trump can't get to the 1,237-delegate level he needs because of Cruz's victory in Wisconsin, said Walker, noting that Cruz won there because Trump made a mistake in attacking him and his record.
When Trump said Wisconsin wasn't doing well, "the people know the facts," and that turned them away from Trump, "even some votes who were open to Trump as a candidate."
Wisconsin's 3 million employed people is "the greatest we've ever had in the state," in addition to the state's balanced budget and school reforms, said Walker. Voters "appreciate governors and lawmakers who are willing to stand up and not only not raise taxes, but lower them, which is what we've done," he added.
Walker is not ruling out running for a third term as governor in his state, which has no term limits. He told Benson that he was not going to make an official decision until next year, but he is leaning toward running again.
When asked about the Trump campaign announcing he was on their short list of a possible running mate, the governor said, "I literally laughed out loud," adding that he has "absolutely zero interest" in running with Trump as his vice president.