President-elect Donald Trump has whittled his list of possible Supreme Court picks down to about six finalists and is expanding his search for future nominees to the high court, Politico reported.
Announcing his nomination to fill the seat vacated by the late Justice Antonin Scalia is expected to be one of Trump's earliest acts as he begins the task of reshaping the court, according to the website. But the expected conservative pick "would not fundamentally shift the court's balance of power," Politico noted.
"You're basically dealing with a situation where, no matter what conservative you put on the court, you're establishing the same parity that existed," a transition official involved in the selection process told the website.
"That is first and foremost in everybody's minds."
Now, the Trump team is already discussing candidates for future vacancies, Politico reported, which points out liberal justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is 83 and swing-vote Justice Anthony Kennedy is 80.
"(Trump) clearly understands he may have a chance to define the court for a generation or more, and he is taking it very seriously," said former Speaker Newt Gingrich, a Trump confidante.
Politico reported the Trump team is hoping to find a conservative candidate — possibly a woman — who would be more difficult for Democrats to oppose after the Scalia pick.
"Going with a woman or a minority does get you some brownie points, so in terms of picking the hardest to confirm now, that would argue for a man," Levey said. "Also the symbolic value, if Ginsburg does leave the court, of replacing her with a woman would be important."
Politico reported Trump is expected to name his Scalia replacement once Jeff Sessions is confirmed as attorney general. Both Sessions and the Supreme Court nominee must be cleared by the Senate Judiciary Committee.
According to the New York Post, Trump is taking a hard look at the ages of potential nominees, who would be appointed to the high court for life.
"I tend to believe younger is better, too, but I can tell you what the President believes is that the most-qualified, best person to serve on the Supreme Court is what's most important," said Reince Priebus, Trump's incoming chief of staff.