Conservative radio host Sean Hannity said Friday the future of the United States is riding on November's presidential election.
"I know I'm out on a limb here, but I don't care because it's the right thing to do," Hannity said. "You have a choice. America lives or dies in 39 days. That's how I look at it."
Mediaite posted audio of Hannity's comments.
Earlier in the segment, Hannity — who has publicly endorsed Republican Donald Trump for president and often has the real estate mogul on his Fox News show — blasted Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.
"I don't have a clue who's gonna win in 39 days. I'm glad it's at least close," he said, calling Clinton "the single most dishonest, corrupt, human being."
Hannity then noted he's been through this situation before.
"I tried to warn the country about [Barack] Obama. I tried. Didn't I try?" Hannity said. "I gave it everything. I gave it so much that people that love me — my friends said I was dead, I was ruining my career, but I didn't care."
The latest RealClear Politics polling average shows Clinton with a 3.1-point lead over Trump about five and a half weeks before Election Day.