Senate Republicans are reportedly frustrated with GOP presumptive nominee Donald Trump, discouraged that his shoot-from-the-lip style isn't changing to attract general election voters.
Trump’s fiery speech after last weekend's massacre at a gay bar in Orlando, Fla., apparently left Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell speechless,
according to Politico.
"I’m not going to be commenting on the presidential candidates today," the Kentucky Republican tells Politico.
Majority Whip Sen. John Cornyn sarcastically swore off comment until after the election, telling Politico, "Wish me luck."
And Tennessee Republican Sen. Bob Corker, chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, openly conceded his best advice to the real estate mogul has largely been ignored.
"I don’t know that I really have a lot to say," Corker tells Politico, adding that he's offered guidance but has "been discouraged by the results."
"It wasn't the type [of speech] that one would expect a person who is wanting to lead the greatest nation in the world to make," Corker tells Politico. "Fifty people have perished, and [53] more have been harmed." Trump "continues to be discouraging."
Vulnerable GOP senators up for re-election in swing states also are wary.
"Listen, I’m responsible for my own words and my own actions," Wisconsin GOP Sen. Ron Johnson tells Politico. But on Trump's renewed call to bar Muslim immigrants from entering the United States, Johnson stressed: "Again, I’ve stated very clearly I disagree with that."
"You know I’ve previously disagreed with him on his viewpoint that we should have a religious-based test in terms of people’s admission to the United States," New Hampshire GOP Sen. Kelly Ayotte tells Politico. "I think the focus really needs to be more based on the facts and the evidence."
"I think his comments are inappropriate when the nation is in mourning over the worst terrorism attack that we’ve had since 9/11," Maine GOP Sen. Susan Collins tells the news site.
Arizona GOP Sen. Jeff Flake says Trump has to finally pivot to the general election.
"He’s won 13 million votes total so far; he’s got to get 65 million or so to win the general election, which includes a lot of independents and Republicans that don’t feel as he does," Flake tells Politico. "He can’t win the general election talking the way he is."