Sen. Elizabeth Warren is reportedly getting lobbied by Democratic women in the upper chamber to formally endorse Hillary Clinton for president.
The liberal Massachusetts lawmaker is the only one of her female Senate colleagues who hasn't climbed aboard the Clinton bandwagon,
The Hill reports.
"I'm hopeful she'll join us," Michigan Sen. Debbie Stabenow tells The Hill. "I'm hopeful she'll join the revolution that will allow us to come together to elect" the first female president.
Adds Maryland Sen. Barbara Mikulski, dean of the Senate's Democratic women: "I've told Sen. Warren that we would welcome her anytime she's ready," The Hill reports.
According to The Hill, a group of Democratic senators is planning to stump for Clinton this weekend in New Hampshire — where
Clinton is trailing rival Sen. Bernie Sanders.
"I'm going up to New Hampshire to be on a bus tour with [Clinton] on Friday," Mikulski tells The Hill. "Many of the Democratic women of the Senate are going to do that. And we're getting ready to organize another tour in South Carolina."
An unnamed Democratic aide tells The Hill the Senate women have been "trying to do a little arm twisting in recent months."
"Her role in this campaign would be valuable," the staffer tells The Hill. "I think she's gotten more attention than most senators, and I think it would mean a lot."
The women in the Senate who are already all-in for Clinton also include Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand of New York; Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire; Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota; Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin; Claire McCaskill of Missouri; Mazie Hirono of Hawaii; Barbara Boxer of California; and Dina Titus of Nevada.
"I think they are trying to get endorsements from as many people as they can get," Titus tells The Hill. "[Warren is] kind of a media darling, a real populist . . . and having her endorsement would be a good thing."