Bernie Sanders supports most of Hillary Clinton's agenda, he is concerned about a Donald Trump presidency, and he'll likely come out as a strong supporter for the rival he fought so strongly throughout this primary season, Sen. Sherrod Brown said Thursday.
"I know him well, I spoke to him about other things last night," the Ohio Democrat, whose name has been mentioned as a potential running mate for Clinton, told
CNN's "New Day" program.
"I fully expect him to be strong for Hillary under his timetable, whether it's this week or whether it's the convention or whether it's right after the convention ... I have no doubt in my mind that Bernie will bring 80, 90 percent of his supporters with him ultimately, just like Hillary did for [then] Sen. [Barack] Obama and that means it's good news in the fall."
Brown said he did not speak with Sanders about his Thursday meeting with the president, but he has no doubt the party will come together behind Clinton.
"Every four years or every eight years the story in June is always that, 'can the parties come together?'" said Brown. "I think that if you're looking for something historical, something unprecedented at least in our lifetimes you look at the Republican side where Republicans are all bailing out now. There's none of that on the Democratic side. There was a contentious primary. There's hurt feelings and anger. There always is. But look at our respectful primary and their name calling criticizing each other's families, what they did on their side."
And, said Brown, the party will heal and Sanders and his supporters will "strongly" be there to support Clinton, and he expects Sanders to be on the campaign trail along with himself, Clinton and Obama.
Brown also denied strongly claims made in a
Politico story, which quoted unnamed aides who had said that Sanders believes progressives behind Clinton are "power-chasing chickens," and said Sanders would reject Brown as a running mate for that reason.
"Bernie told me he didn't say that," Brown said Friday. "I've known him 30 years. I believe he didn't say that. I know there are always unhappy campaign people especially when a race is lost. If that doesn't bother me, it shouldn't bother anybody else, those words about me in print that says something that they're unhappy about."