Mark McCloskey said he feels like he is living in a “totally upside-down world” as he and his wife face felony charges for pointing guns at a crowd of people who broke down a gate to get onto their private street in St. Louis.
During a Monday appearance on Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” McCloskey told host Tucker Carlson “the only person in the U.S. who thinks we did something wrong is our [city’s] circuit attorney.”
“She is the same person that let out of jail everybody that was responsible for the looting and fires and destruction, following the George Floyd death, in the city of St. Louis," McCloskey said.
St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner, the city’s top prosecutor, said Mark and Patricia McCloskey — both personal injury attorneys will be charged with felony unlawful use of a weapon following the June 28 incident. The McCloskeys said hundreds of people broke a gate to enter their private street on their way to the mayor’s home. They pointed guns at the crowds of people who passed by their home.
"It's a totally upside-down world," he told Carlson. "The people who broke into my neighborhood were all trespassing. The guy that recruited them, that planned this event, said the next day that he intended to break the law; that he needed to break laws in order to send his message."
He added that none of the people involved in the incident were arrested or charged.
“The circuit attorney has apparently decided her job as a prosecutor isn't to keep us safe from criminals but to keep the criminals safe from us,” he said. “It's a bizarro, upside-down world. I've been a little irritated by this process until today and now I am just flat out pi--ed off. This has gotten to be outrageous."
McCloskey said the state’s top prosecutor Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt, President Donald Trump and Republican Gov. Mike Parson have all sided with him. Only Gardner is pushing for his potential punishment.
Carlson said Gardner's position is "the force of the state coming down on [McCloskey] for the most basic right that exists:" self-defense.
"I'm not going to be bullied." McCloskey replied. "I'm not going to be intimidated. The left, the mob, uses social intimidation and threats to get people to knuckle under and apologize for doing what's right. We are not going to apologize for doing what's right. We are not going to back down and we are not going to move."
He said people “need to stand up, wake up and recognize this for what it is: It's a concerted effort to destroy our way of life, to change the fundamental basic social contract: to do away with capitalist democracy and replace it with mob rule — encouraging violence, protecting criminals from prosecuting people to try to defend themselves against it."