Hillary Clinton's proposal to install several hundred million solar panels across the United States would amount to more than $60 billion in subsidy costs, a new report claims.
The American Action Forum has released a report about Clinton's plan on Friday and said it's not only bold, it's expensive.
"Secretary Clinton has made a bold promise to install 'half a billion' new solar panels in her first term, increase total solar power capacity to 140 Gigawatts (GW), extend renewable energy subsidies, and create new incentives for renewable energy investment," the report reads.
"Such a policy will be un-abashedly pro-solar, even if it comes at the expense of other clean energy sources. On the topic of expense, promising to both extend subsidies and reach 140 GW of solar power has the potential to increase subsidy costs between $27.5 and $62 billion."
Clinton is the Democratic presidential nominee opposite Republican Donald Trump.
Another recent report, this one by the Institute for Energy Research, concluded that since China is the world's largest producer of solar panels, Clinton's pledge would essentially be giving China more than $200 billion in business.
The American Action Forum said a policy as aggressive as Clinton's would not be worth it.
"The end result of such a policy will be massive government spending that does not succeed in efficiently achieving energy or environmental policy goals," the group said in its report.