Americans are split regarding Donald Trump's tax returns, with 45 percent caring that the president-elect has not released his returns while 44 percent do not, according to a new Morning Consult/Politico poll.
The number represents a significant change from May 2016 when 67 percent of registered voters said all presidential candidates should be required to release their tax returns, compared with 21 percent who said they should not, according to the poll.
Here are the survey's highlights:
- 20 percent of Republicans said they care that Trump hasn’t released his returns, compared to 60 percent who said in May all candidates should disclose their tax forms.
- 71 percent of Democrats said they care about his tax returns, while 68 percent said in May all candidates should release their tax statements.
- 41 percent of independents said they care about Trump’s tax returns, compared to 71 percent in May who said all candidates should release their tax forms.
"Despite the overall decline in interest regarding Trump's tax returns, voters who do care about the issue feel very strongly about their position," the poll notes.
The poll also noted that Trump has said he will turn over operational control of his company over to his sons instead of fully divesting from his business.
Seventy-six percent of Republicans said they were satisfied with the arrangement, compared to 20 percent of Democrats and 38 percent of independents.