Texas Sen. Ted Cruz will be heading back next month to New Hampshire for the first time since the November midterm elections.
Among other appearances,
he will address a $50-per-plate fundraiser at the Grafton County Republican Committee's annual Lincoln-Reagan Dinner on March 15,
The Houston Chronicle reported.
Cruz, who is widely seen as a likely candidate for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination, would have to work hard to win the New Hampshire primary. The state is generally inclined to support more centrist candidates, according to
The Boston Globe.
George H.W. Bush won the New Hampshire GOP primary in 1988, and Mitt Romney won there in 2012.
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker is ahead of the Republican pack, capturing 21 percent of support among the state's likely voters in a
poll by NH1 released Wednesday. By comparison, Cruz garners 3.3 percent.