Sen. Ted Cruz defended his opposition to allowing transgender people from using the public restroom of their choice Sunday, saying the protection "opens the door for predators" and "criminals."
In in interview with CNN's
"State of the Union," the Texas lawmaker slammed front-running rival Donald Trump's support of LGBT bathroom protections.
"In my view this is not a matter of right or left, or Democrat or Republican, this is common sense," he said. "It doesn't make sense for grown adult men, strangers to be alone in a rest room with a little girl."
Cruz cited his years in law enforcement "dealing with child predators that are sick. "
"If the law is such that any man if he feels like it can go in women's rest room and you can't ask him to leave, that opens the door for predators," he said. "There are predators in the world. Just saying you're a man you can go in the girl's rest room if you feel like it, opens the doors for criminals."
And in a slam at Trump's support of use by the LGBT community to use bathrooms of their choice at Trump facilities, Cruz added: "This is the height of political correctness for Donald Trump to say, yes let grown men in the bathroom with little girls."