Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va., compared President Donald Trump's advisors to "Holocaust deniers" due to the White House's failure to mention Jews or Judaism in their official statement on Holocaust Remembrance Day.
"President Obama, President Bush always talked about the Holocaust in connection with the slaughter of Jews. The final solution was about the slaughter of Jews. We have to remember this. This is what Holocaust denial is," the former vice presidential candidate told NBC's Chuck Todd, Politico reports.
"This was horribly, horribly mishandled," he said. "I think all of these things are happening together. When you have the chief political adviser in the White House, Steve Bannon, who is connected with a news organization that traffics in white supremacy and anti-Semitism, and they put out a Holocaust statement that omits any mention of Jews."
White House chief of staff Reince Priebus defended the statement during an appearance on "Meet the Press," according to Politico.
"Everyone's suffering in the Holocaust, including, obviously, all of the Jewish people affected and the miserable genocide that occurred, is something that we consider to be extraordinarily sad and something that can never be forgotten and something that if we could wipe it off of the history books we could."