New York Times writers used the term “lynching” in articles related to Bill Clinton’s impeachment, reports Fox News.
The Times on Tuesday suggested Trump wrongly invoked the term when he said the impeachment proceedings were done “without due process or fairness or any legal rights.”
"It was a remarkable term for the president to use to describe a legal process laid out in the Constitution," The Times' Eileen Sullivan reported Tuesday.
Trump tweeted: “So some day, if a Democrat becomes President and the Republicans win the House, even by a tiny margin, they can impeach the President, without due process or fairness or any legal rights. All Republicans must remember what they are witnessing here - a lynching. But we will WIN!”
Times columnist Frank Rich in 1998 wrote that Republicans treated Clinton in a way that reinforced African-Americans' fear of the legal system.
"Though Bill Clinton has done little more for African-Americans than O. J. Simpson did, his support remains near-unanimous in black America," he wrote.
"If nothing else, this is a measure of how deeply blacks still fear that our legal machinery can be stacked in favor of a lynch mob. And it's hardly a mindless argument. The most rabid Clinton-haters in Congress are white Southerners, led by Bob Barr, who has spoken before the racist Council of Conservative Citizens. An impeachment trial's jury of 100 senators will be whites only."
In the same year, Maureen Dowd appeared to argue that former special prosecutor Ken Starr and Republicans acted like a lynch mob.
"The Clintons attack Mr. Starr to deflect attention from the president's immoral behavior," she wrote. "They appeal to decent American impulses — we do not like lynch mobs, we do not like hate-mongering, we do not like women who rat out girlfriends, we do not like Big Brother peeking through bedroom windows. The Clintons elicit our public-spirited impulses and use them for their private political gain.