AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka on Sunday praised President Donald Trump for “taking on China” — but criticized him for going about it “the wrong way.”
In interview on “Fox News Sunday” on the eve of Labor Day, the labor leader said Trump's approach has to be “multilateral.”
“It's a good thing, taking on China,” he said. “Unfortunately, he's done at the wrong way. … One country can't take on China to try to dry up its overcapacity because they just send it through to you in other ways. So if you're going to take on China, it has to be multilateral, it has to address human rights and labor rights violations, best to address currency rebalancing and it has to have a long-term slant towards good jobs in this country.”
The labor leader also burned the Trump administration for having done more harm than good for workers.
“When he does something that's good for workers I say so,” he said. “When he does something that's bad for workers I say so. I have to say, unfortunately, while he may not even know what his administration is doing, they've done more things to hurt workers than they have to help them. That's unfortunate”
“Our members are still waiting for the supposed greatness of this economy to reach their kitchen tables,” he said. “When they do I will cheer, they will cheer.”
Trumka also said that at this point, unions won’t support the USMCA, the deal that replaces NAFTA in a trading pact between the United States and Mexico and Canada.
“It's unenforceable and an unenforceable trade agreement is a windfall for corporations and a disaster for workers,” he declared.
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