President Donald Trump declared Wednesday that he's "working hard" to hammer out details of the controversial American Health Care Act.
Without going into details, the commander in chief tweeted:
But he will likely be continuing his calls to and meetings with Republican lawmakers who continue to pooh-pooh the GOP-led House’s proposed replacement for the Affordable Healthcare Act, President Barack Obama’s signature legislation.
The conservative House Freedom Caucus is threatening to formally oppose unless dramatic changes are made to the Republican proposal by Wednesday night, and as of now, it's "going down," a source told CNBC.
The caucus has 25 "hard" votes against the proposal, the source said, with at least two other members leaning toward opposition.
The legislation is expected to be voted on in the House on Thursday. Any statement of opposition from the caucus would most likely delay that vote.
This week, Trump singled out Rep. Mark Meadows, the North Carolina Republican who chairs the House Freedom Caucus.
"I'm gonna come after you, but I know I won’t have to, because I know you’ll vote 'yes,'" Trump said, several lawmakers told The Washington Post.
Earlier this month, the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office calculated that 24 million more Americans would be uninsured by 2026 under the GOP health care bill than the current plan, including 14 million by next year.