Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump took to Twitter on Saturday to slam the protesters who disrupted his speech in California a day earlier.
"The 'protesters' in California were thugs and criminals," Trump tweeted of the individuals who not only swarmed the GOP convention on Friday, but blocked an entrance, a nearby road, and forced the real estate mogul to slip through the back food of the Hyatt Regency Hotel, where the convention took place.
He added, "They should be dealt with strongly by law enforcement!"
Trump, and his entourage of nearly 20 security officers and campaign staffers jumped out of their SUVs, headed up a ramp before crossing a grassy area and back parking lot before heading through the rear of the hotel.
That was not the easiest entrance I've ever made," Trump said after taking the stage at the California Republican Convention in Burlingame about an hour after the event was scheduled to start. "My wife called and she said, 'There are helicopters following you.'
"We went under a fence and through a fence," Trump told the crowd. "Oh, boy. Felt like I was crossing the border, actually."