Donald Trump and Jeb Bush have each said they might consider launching a political campaign as long as they don't have to face other candidates who are spoiling for a fight.
In a radio interview Wednesday, Trump said he'd happily run for governor of New York as long as he could be in effect coronated as the Republican nominee without a primary fight.
"I want to go in there right from the beginning, and I want to go in
swinging right from the beginning," Trump said, according to The Washington Post.
"I don't want to be knocking [Westchester Country Executive Rob Astorino] or knocking anybody else to win a primary," he said. "I wouldn't waste my time. I wouldn't do it, and you'd make a lot of people very unhappy."
Meanwhile, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush said he would only throw his hat into the ring for a 2016 presidential run if he could do it "joyfully."
"I'm deferring the decision to the right time, which is later this year, and the decision will be based on, can I do it joyfully, because I think we need to have candidates lift our spirits. It's
a pretty pessimistic country right now," Bush told the CBS affiliate in Miami.
"And is it right for my family? So I don't even want to think about that till it's the right time and that's later on," he added.
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