President Donald Trump on Thursday strongly pushed the claim that the FBI spied on his campaign with an inside informant.
Trump's comments came in a morning tweet. It followed reports by Andrew McCarthy in the National Review.
McCarthy said on Saturday that Glenn Simpson, co-founder of Fusion GPS, told the Senate Judiciary Committee in August 2017 that former British intelligence officer, Christopher Steele had said that the FBI had "'human source'" – i.e. a spy" in the Trump campaign.
Realizing how explosive the information was, Simpson walked it back, according to McCarthy But McCarthy believes Simpson was "dead-on accurate" about a spy in the campaign.
Trump followed the reports with this tweet:
Trump had first posted the tweet with an incorrect spelling of "embedded." He later deleted the initial post and the put it back up with the correct spelling.
McCarthy appeared on Fox News on Thursday morning to reiterate his reports about the FBI.
"I've written a couple of columns in the last week or so pointing out there's probably no doubt that they had at least one confidential informant in the campaign," McCarthy said.
"What they did was use their counter-intelligence powers covertly to investigate the Trump campaign during the stretch run of the campaign under circumstances where they did not have evidence that anyone had actually committed a crime."