Former President Donald Trump on Wednesday took aim at JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon arguing that the billionaire is "not a patriot to anybody but his stockholders" after Dimon's recent comments defending his company's move to conduct business in China.
"Jamie Dimon is not a patriot, not to me he is not," Trump told Fox Business' "Mornings with Maria" host Maria Bartiromo. "He is out to make a buck for his company. ... He’s a patriot to his stockholders and that’s fine."
His comments come after Bartiromo's interview with Dimon earlier this month, when she asked him if the company's expansion into China is "just about money."
"No, of course not," he told her. "I’m a patriot way before I worry about any money or anything like that or about JPMorgan per se. You should imagine that foreign policy of the United States is set by the government of the United States. If you start telling companies that they should be saying their own foreign policy, you are actually making a huge error for the United States."
Dimon also said that JPMorgan will still remain in charge of its China's interests, and noted the bank doesn't share data with the Chinese government.
"(I'm) not as worried about China as everybody else," Dimon said in the interview. "America will still be the most prosperous nation on the planet. They’ll be smaller than China, but still far more prosperous in 20 years."
Trump, though, told Bartiromo that "China is not our friend," even if it was "coming into line nicely while he was president because he was "tariffing companies like you wouldn't believe" and was sanctioning people.
Two weeks before he left office, Trump signed an executive order that banned transactions with eight Chinese software apps, and on Wednesday, he told Bartiromo that there were companies like Huawei that he wouldn't let come into the United States.
He also said he got other companies to follow suit.
The former president further told Bartiromo Wednesday that Dimon is "good compared to Europe" because "Europe is not a friend of ours" as it takes advantage of the United States while not buying American products.
Meanwhile, Trump said he thinks investors should avoid investing with Chinese companies until "we develop relations with China," pointing out that he'd had a "great relationship" with Chinese President Xi Jinping.
The former president also slammed President Joe Biden when Bartiromo asked him if he still believes investors should avoid investing in Chinese companies. Trump responded by saying that America should avoid investing in the region "until we develop relations with China" and noted that he had a "great relationship" with Chinese President Xi Jinping.
"When I was president, the very first meeting I had with them, I told him you cannot do anything with respect to Taiwan," said Trump. "(I said) it is taboo. You cannot do it. It will be met with force ... we had an understanding and there was never a threat in four years."
But once Biden took office, there were "two weeks ago, 28 bombers over Taiwan, today I heard they had bombers flying over Taiwan," said Trump. "I think Taiwan is in serious trouble. (China has) no respect for Biden. They have no respect for this administration."