Donald Trump protesters are planning to build a liberal version of the tea party and defeat Democrats who side with the incoming Republican president, Politico reported.
"Our big goal is to support primary challenges against those Democrats who negotiate with Donald Trump," said Waleed Shahid, who worked in the Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign.
The tea party helped unseat establishment Republicans and pushed the GOP further to the right.
"It gave people in the Republican Party who are upset with the establishment an identity," Shahid said. "You could be a tea party Republican. We think there's a lot of power in that."
Shahid is part of a new group called AllofUs, which is pushing for liberal reforms while organizing protests, according to Politico.
The group staged a protest recently at Sen. Charles Schumer's office. Schumer, D-N.Y., is the new Senate minority leader.
At the time, Shahid cited Schumer's ties to Wall Street as evidence he was tied to the same party establishment that lost the election, ABC News reported.