The "#fake news" media is "distorting democracy," President Donald Trump wrote in his latest Sunday morning tweetstorm, adding a defense of his son Donald Trump Jr. amid another tumultuous week of "slanted" and "fraudulent reporting."
That tweet came moments after starting his Twitter rant with defense of his son, contrasting it with coverage of his former campaign rival Hillary Clinton and her "illegally" receiving debate questions and deleting 33,000 emails amid a probe into her use of a private email server while serving as U.S. secretary of state.
In between those tweets, President Trump praised former campaign adviser Michael Caputo after he testified Friday to "no contacts with Russians and I never heard of anyone in the Trump campaign talking with Russians" to a closed session of the House Intelligence Committee.
Caputo was far less effusive of praise of President Trump's campaign before his testimony, however, blasting it as a "s– show" and claiming it was far too disorganized to have the "wherewithal" to plot collusion with Russian agents.
"We were so busy just trying to keep up with the sun rising and setting on that campaign that I can't imagine anyone had the time – nor the wherewithal – to go out there and even do something like this," Caputo told CNN.
"Anybody who covered the Trump effort knew this was a pell-mell operation from the moment he woke up in the morning until the moment he went to bed."