President Donald Trump continued his assault on the "fake news media" Monday morning.
He took to Twitter at 9:15 a.m. over news coverage of the impact of immigration in Sweden.
Monday's tweet followed Trump's post from the night before, in which he clarified his remark Saturday, made in the context of past terror attacks in Europe: "Look what's happening last night in Sweden."
A White House spokeswoman said Trump was "talking about rising crime and recent incidents in general and not referring to a specific incident."
But on Twitter, Trump made reference to something he saw on Fox News Channel.
It appearsTrump was referring to Fox host Tucker Carlson's interview on Friday night with filmmaker Ami Horowitz, who made a documentary about refugees in Sweden.
Carlson's report said Sweden had accepted more than 160,000 asylum-seekers last year but that only 500 of the migrants had found jobs in Sweden, and went on to say that a surge in violence had followed.
A columnist for the British conservative magazine Spectator also wrote a piece last September that outlined ways in which Sweden was an example of how not to handle immigrants.