President Donald Trump and his family are headed to his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey for a 17-day "working vacation," according to NBC News.
"The president's going to continue to work and we all need to be relocated out of the West Wing due to these renovations that should have taken place before," White House spokeswoman Linsday Walters told reporters earlier this week, according to the Associated Press.
"They either need to be repaired or replaced and it's not something that can go on while we're still occupying the West Wing."
Trump, an avid golfer, has spent 43 days at properties with golf courses during his presidency, although he frequently criticized his predecessor for taking the time to play golf while in office, and advised against taking vacations in his 2004 book, "Trump: Think Like a Billionaire."
"Don't take vacations. What's the point? If you're not enjoying your work, you're in the wrong job," Trump wrote in 2004. That same year he told Larry King that "most of the people I know that are successful really don't take vacations. Their business is their vacation. I rarely leave. You know that," according to AP.
According to Politifact, President Barack Obama played golf 11 times by August 1 of his initial term. Trump has played 21 times during that same period.
The club itself is something of a special place for the Trump family, as it's where the president's daughter Ivanka Trump married Jared Kushner in 2009.