Hillary Clinton is taking the stage with Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who is calling Clinton a fighter who "has never backed down."
Clinton and Warren joined hands and waved to a cheering crowd in their first joint appearance. Warren told the crowd in Cincinnati, Ohio, "I'm here today because I'm with her," and said Democrats would "work our hearts out" to make Clinton president.
Warren is offering a harsh critique of Republican Donald Trump. She says he looks "goofy" in his trademark baseball cap. She warns that Trump "will crush you into the dirt to get whatever he wants."
Warren is a darling of liberals in the Democratic Party and considered a possible running mate for Clinton. Warren is currently being vetted by lawyers charged with running the vice presidential process. They've already asked Warren to complete a questionnaire and for documents.
For Clinton, the visit offers an opportunity to win back some of the liberal and younger voters she lost to Sanders in the primary season.
Clinton says the Supreme Court's ruling to strike down Texas' regulation of abortion clinics is "a victory for women in Texas and across America."
The Democratic presidential candidate says in a signed posting to Twitter that a "safe abortion should be a right-not just on paper, but in reality."
The justices voted 5-3 on Monday in support of the Texas clinics that argued the regulations were an attempt to make it harder for women to get an abortion.
Clinton says the "fight isn't over," adding that the "next president has to protect women's health. Women won't be 'punished' for exercising their basic rights."