Politico.com, the chronicler of all things leftist, reports that Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Dr. Anthony Fauci has announced he will retire by the end of Biden’s first term.
This is one way to characterize fleeing town before the arrival of the posse.
Fauci no doubt assumes if he’s no longer working and his pension is secure, he'll be immune from Republican or any other accountability for his colossal COVID-19 malpractice.
What are a few more televised hearing appearances when you’ve made so many before?
And that's the real lesson of COVID-19.
The Fauci-led government coronavirus response caused unnecessary deaths, loss of employment, devastated the economy and harmed the nation’s schoolchildren, and not one bureaucrat from Fauci on down will pay any price — at all.
Think of it this way:
If you decide to drink a six-pack and then go for a nice 2:00am drive while drunk, subsequently slamming into a shift worker on his way home, the fact you didn’t intend to kill him won’t prevent your arrest and trial.
Now consider Tony Fauci.
He was drunk on power and purportedly used a loophole to fund gain-of-function research that had been specifically banned by the Obama administration.
Plus, the research was reportedly conducted at the Wuhan Lab of lab leaks that is controlled by the USA’s greatest world threat, Communist China.
Maybe the intent wasn't to see millions killed globally, when the project went rogue, and there was no plan to crash the economy, but the fact is millions died, and the economy went into, and remains, in a ditch.
Our drunk may be jailed, shamed and unemployed, but Fauci gets off scot-free after his multi-year reign of error.
He’ll also enjoy a very lucrative pension funded by our tax dollars.
There is zero accountability in the Swamp, regardless of which party pretends to run the federal bureaucracy.
The toughest part of retirement for the chief Branch Covidian will be the reduction in calls for him to appear on TV.
That TV desert is in the far future.
Meanwhile, Mr. Science is back to his usual advice for the American public which is: Be afraid, be very afraid.
And that’s about as specific as it gets.
This time Fauci is beating the drum for COVID-19: The Omicron’s Revenge without giving much in the way of details.
As Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., pointed out, both Fauci and U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra, "are declining to specify key facts about the newest iteration of the virus."
Fox News summarized, "[Paul] told 'Jesse Watters Primetime' that amid warnings and renewed pressure on Americans to submit to another round of injections, the administration is noticeably mum on the severity of the new variant, or other key characteristics like transmissibility and potential for hospitalization."
Still fighting the last war, Fauci advises everyone to roll up their sleeve and get a booster shot for the vaccine that didn’t work the last time.
Fauci himself has five punches on his COVID-19 shot frequent flyer card and he still came down with his own virus.
Paul disagrees with the 'jab 'em till morale improves approach.'
"Omicron itself was about 90% less likely to put you in the hospital than the first variant. So, if no one's telling you any information, how can you make any judgment other than the emotionalism and the sensationalism of the government?"
Dr. Paul’s advice is to "discount" the latest in Fauci fanaticism.
We wholeheartedly agree and we would also advise Americans to also pray Fauci advances his retirement plans.
The sooner he’s gone, the better it is for America — and the rest of the world.
Michael Reagan, the eldest son of President Reagan, is a Newsmax TV analyst. A syndicated columnist and author, he chairs The Reagan Legacy Foundation. Michael is an in-demand speaker with Premiere speaker's bureau. Read Michael Reagan's Reports — More Here.
Michael R. Shannon is a commentator, researcher for the League of American Voters, and an award-winning political and advertising consultant with nationwide and international experience. He is author of "Conservative Christian's Guidebook for Living in Secular Times (Now with added humor!)" Read Michael Shannon's Reports — More Here.