The following article has been authored by non-clinicians
The only explanation we can come up with for the recent recommendation by the CDC that children under five be given COVID-19 vaccinations is that government "experts" have all been abducted by aliens from the planet Mammon.
As we wrote earlier when children under 12 were opened up to the Biden jab, the decision "is evidence the FDA is either run by blind fanatics or psychopaths. Or both."
"Here are the facts. More children died last year from the regular seasonal flu than have died from Covid."
The Daily Mail UK reports, "just 25 under-18’s died from COVID from March 2020 to February 2021 . . . More than 75 per cent of the children who died had chronic conditions, while two thirds had more than one underlying condition and 60 per cent had life-limiting conditions."
The risk/benefit ratio for vaccinating children under 12 (or under 18 for that matter) indicates it makes more sense not to vaccinate children, particularly if they have already had the virus.
There are more risks from vaccine side effects than there are from the disease.
You can find the rest of that column here.
Now these same "experts" are promoting shots for children under age five.
The Washington Post carried the hysterical headline: "Coronavirus Vaccines for Kids Under 6 are Finally Here!"
It would have been more accurate to say "Government-Approved Medical Roulette for Children Under 6 Is Finally Here!"
CDC Chief Propagandist Rochelle Walensky issued a triumphal statement, "Together, with science leading the charge, we have taken another important step forward in our nation’s fight against COVID-19. We know millions of parents and caregivers are eager to get their young children vaccinated, and with today’s decision, they can."
With science leading the charge over the credibility cliff she means.
We’re sure the parents "eager to get their young children vaccinated" will find time to work in the COVID-19 jabs, but we’re trying to save children with normal parents from this unnecessary and dangerous injection.
And speaking of unnecessary shots, the profit and loss obsessed CDC is also recommending booster shots for children over age five.
Even though Saint Dr. Anthony Fauci himself admitted under sharp questioning by Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., (who is also a doctor) that there are absolutely no studies proving a reduction in deaths or hospitalizations for children taking booster shots.
"So, there are no studies. And Americans should all know this. There are no studies on children showing a reduction in hospitalization or death with taking a booster," Paul summarized.
And we are opposed to forcing those who have already had, and recovered from COVID, to take a vaccine for a disease to which they are already immune, which is another recommendation for children by the CDC.
There is no medical precedent for this dangerous recommendation.
The government might as well force children to be vaccinated for lightning strikes, since more children die from being hit by lightning that being hit by COVID-19.
It looks to us like much of the impetus for this unnecessary push for vaccinating anyone and everyone has its origin in the profit motive.
Big Pharma makes billions more as the total potential market for the Covid shot expands and the government bureaucrats at the CDC and FDA supporting this market share expansion also share in the wealth through grants, speaking fees and consulting contracts both before and after their government career ends.
And as Fauci told Sen. Paul there are also no disclosure rules for government bureaucrats that receive royalty payments from Big Pharma.
All this is not only unethical. It should be illegal.
The only breath of sanity and real concern for children comes from Europe, which has not authorized the shot for toddlers and from Gov. Ron DeSantis, R- Fla.
At a news conference DeSantis discussed the question and said, "Our Department of Health has been very clear, the risks [of the children’s shot] outweigh the benefits and we recommend against."
COVID-19 targets the elderly, the obese, and the sickly.
It doesn’t target children. Science has known this for much more than a year.
One of the latest scare stories justifying jabs for junior is the dreaded (fill-in-the-blank) variant. But it’s the same old COVID-19 that doesn’t harm children with a new name and a passport stamp.
Physicians used to take the Hippocratic Oath which began by requiring doctors to "First do no harm." But Hippocrates didn’t know about Big Pharma stock options and consulting contracts, for needle-happy doctors, and government bureaucrats.
Michael Reagan, the eldest son of President Reagan, is a Newsmax TV analyst. A syndicated columnist and author, he chairs The Reagan Legacy Foundation. Michael is an in-demand speaker with Premiere speaker's bureau. Read Michael Reagan's Reports — More Here.
Michael R. Shannon is a commentator, researcher for the League of American Voters, and an award-winning political and advertising consultant with nationwide and international experience. He is author of "Conservative Christian's Guidebook for Living in Secular Times (Now with added humor!)" Read Michael Shannon's Reports — More Here.