It seems to us like the left has so much invested in finding “systemic racism” in policing that they’ve gone from discovering it to producing it.
Now New York City’s buffoonish mayor has announced Gotham will be requiring a vaccine passport for “workers and customers in indoor dining, in indoor fitness facilities, indoor entertainment facilities. The only way to patronize these businesses indoors is if you’re vaccinated.”
The New York Post has the story.
The details on this unprecedented encroachment on individual and commercial rights will be finalized the week of August 16. Enforcement of the “papers, please” protocol will begin September 13.
And that’s where the “racism” gets “systemic.”
In the state of New York only 13 percent of black residents and 19 percent of Hispanic residents have been vaccinated. Compare that to the 71 percent of the white population that has the Fauci Ouchi.
As sure as sunrise follows sunset, this means the majority of people violating the rules of the Covid Commandos are going to be members of a minority group. The only way to get numbers of white scofflaws high enough to approach those of minority violators will be if FBI informants can start an intensive entrapment campaign.
This brings up another question? What lucky population group is going to be the spearhead of this assault on the Constitution? The reflex response will be restaurant, gym and entertainment facility employees will handle initial enforcement. Really? And why is that?
Every commercial establishment in the country features handicapped parking spots and it’s against the law for the able bodied to use those spots.
Yet business is not required to enforce handicapped parking restrictions, just as they don’t enforce parking meter or fire lane parking violations. Why are “vaccine mandates” any different?
And what about businesses who know this Faucist Farce is wrong? Enforcement in those establishments will hardly be stringent.
Here’s our prediction:
Fanatical Faucists will leap at the chance to impose vaccine passports on customers. Vaccinated white folks will submit, while unvaccinated minorities may object. If the objections are strenuous — say airport check–in strenuous — police will be called.
Businesses that ignore the “papers, please” regime will find snitches within their customer base complaining. Police will be called to enter the business and start checking everyone inside.
Or pocket totalitarians in the “public health” department may decide to conduct their own spot checks of customers. This won’t be popular. Eventually police will be called.
Are you noticing a trend?
Regardless of the beginning, virus violations always end with the police.
Once the numbers are run after a month under the thumb of the Flustapo, statistics will show a disproportionate number of minorities have been fined or arrested and given Covid convictions.
Proving to the left — thanks to the efforts of the left — even during a petering out pandemic “systemic racism” in policing is worse than ever.
There is no room for vaccine passports in a free country. The vaccinated, we are assured, are protected. The unvaccinated have made their choice. The government and the eager authoritarians who populate it and Flustapo volunteers, need to butt out.
We think Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis put the issue into perspective, “No voter ID but you have to show your medical papers just to be able to live everyday life? ...The question is we can either have a free society or we can have a biomedical security state. Florida, we're a free state.”
Michael Reagan, the eldest son of President Reagan, is a Newsmax TV analyst. A syndicated columnist and author, he chairs The Reagan Legacy Foundation. Michael is an in-demand speaker with Premiere speaker's bureau. Read Michael Reagan's Reports — More Here.
Michael R. Shannon is a commentator, researcher for the League of American Voters, and an award-winning political and advertising consultant with nationwide and international experience. He is author of "Conservative Christian's Guidebook for Living in Secular Times (Now with added humor!)" Read Michael Shannon's Reports — More Here.