Israeli-born actress Natalie Portman today announced she would not take part in the prize ceremony for the Genesis Prize, slated to be held in Israel in June 2018.
The Genesis Prize Foundation, which awards what it calls the “Jewish Nobel,” had previously named Portman this year’s awardee, until she notified Genesis that, “Recent events in Israel have been extremely distressing to her and she does not feel comfortable participating in any public events in Israel” and that “she cannot in good conscience move forward with the ceremony.”
The Genesis Prize Foundation cancelled the prize ceremony, saying that its organizers “fear that Ms. Portman’s decision will cause our philanthropic initiative to be politicized, something we have worked hard for the past five years to avoid.”
Shame on Natalie Portman for bowing to those who boycott Israel.
Israel’s Culture Minister Miri Regev hit it right on the head noting that, “…Natalie Portman fell into the hands of the BDS supporters. Portman, a Jewish actress born in Israel, joins those who tell the successful, wondrous founding of the State of Israel as 'a tale of darkness and darkness.'"
Sane people must agree with Hillel Neuer of UN Watch who told Portman that, “If 30,000 rioters were at your borders & approaching your family in Los Feliz, and they were orchestrated by a terror group that advocates the murder of all Jews, I believe you would 'in good consicience' support officers doing their best to protect you.”
Israel is the only real democracy in the Middle East, where all religions are protected, where women have equal rights. Israel is a beacon of light. Shame on Natalie Portman for standing against Israel.
The Genesis Prize “honors individuals who serve as an inspiration to the next generation of Jews through their outstanding professional achievement along with their commitment to Jewish values and the Jewish people.” They must revoke their decision to award her the prize immediately.
Shame on Natalie Portman.
Ronn Torossian is one of America’s foremost Public Relations executives as founder/CEO of 5WPR, a leading independent public relations Agency. The firm was honored as PR Firm of the Year by The American Business Awards, and has been named to the Inc. 500 List. Torossian is author of the best-selling "For Immediate Release: Shape Minds, Build Brands, and Deliver Results with Game-Changing Public Relations." For more of Ronn Torossian's reports, Go Here Now.