And what about our previously glorious military that Obama has worked so hard to destroy in the last 8 years? From getting rid of warriors from the ranks of our military, but making sure to hold onto the useless politically correct types, to reducing our Navy to less than a third of its former contingent of ships and our Air Force to less than half its former number of airplanes, Obama has basically destroyed our military in his two terms as president.
Along with the continued and increasingly rapidly enacted social engineering of our entire military, from a forced gay pride military parade (it was so hard to write those words) to members of the Air Force who were recently forced to go to a museum to ask to be provided some parts of an aged airplane currently on display, as the airplane they were flying was so old that there were no longer parts available.
How is this complying with the presidential mandate that the interests of the United States of America always come first? The answer is it’s not, and that is precisely Obama’s raison d’etre (reason for being). The tax money the Obama government is collecting needs to go to much more important things than our national defense; things like transgender education programs, presidential holidays and golfing trips, and diversity training, just for a few examples.
There is another example that would appear to be simple for a leader of any nation, and that would be to keep fatal contagious diseases that had never existed in our country out of said country. This would seem to be pretty easy, actually; you just don’t let people with these diseases in the country. But this particular no brainer, in keeping America safe, is not something Obama felt it advantageous to do — Obama felt compassion for a particular third world hellhole being ravaged by one of these diseases, and decided not only to send billions of Americans’ tax dollars to go to this country, and then of course to go nowhere but in the pockets of some corrupt oligarch friend of Obama’s, but also to bring the diseased victims to the U.S. for treatment. Obama so loathes this country he no doubt felt that with our centuries’ old, imperialistic, colonizing ways, we deserved to have this disease in our midst. Retribution for the despicable behavior of America toward the rest of the world, for which Obama would make us pay for the rest of our existence, is the very least price we have to pay.
Though there are myriad other tragic examples of such disregard for America, suffice it to say that Obama has not only completely ignored the one thing he was supposed to do as president, he has, in every opportunity presented to him as our nation’s leader, done the exact opposite. He has acted in every aspect of his presidency in ways that were not only not beneficial to the United States, but that were out and out detrimental to this formerly great country.
It has been so clear to so many throughout the years of the existence of the United States of America that there was that one thing that our elected leader was to have done — everything else vis a vis the office was secondary to the point of irrelevancy. Whether Barack Obama fully understood this or not, he chose his path — to use his presidency not to act in the best interest of the United States, but to do the exact opposite and do everything he and his appointed government could possibly do to harm the nation he was sadly elected to lead.
In this way, Obama has been outrageously successful.
Susan Smith Mellody has been a magazine columnist, speechwriter, and reporter. She specializes in residential property. For more of her reports — Click Here Now.