I support the death penalty, most preferably at the scene of the crime. Dialing 9-1-1 should be to order a dust pan and a broom to sweep up the remains of the bad guy, 99 percent of the time a known paroled thug.
Should America someday revel in and respect real justice, we would expand the death penalty beyond capital crimes to include “special circumstances” for crimes so heinous, vicious, ugly and anti-human that the monster clearly deserves to be eliminated.
Such is the case for the Cleveland Beast — Ariel Castro — who kidnapped three girls and kept them locked up in his basement for all those years while he tortured, raped and savaged them for his own vile and sick amusement.
Prosecutors slapped 648 new charges on the Former Cleveland school bus driver on Friday for a grand total of 977 criminal charges.
What the Cleveland Beast took from these girls and their families for more than a decade is clearly a special circumstance deserving of death.
Had the Cleveland Beast committed this same shocking crime 100 years ago, he would have been tried and hanged immediately thereafter.
There would have been no lengthy and expensive appeals, no whiny excuse makers, no army of psychologists who would want to study him, and no prisoner’s rights. He would have been hanged. And rightly so. That would have been justice.
Not today. Unless another prisoner kills the Cleveland Beast for the notoriety, or the Cleveland Beast does us all a favor and hangs himself, he will probably die an old sick and twisted beast in prison many, many years and wasted tax dollars from now.
He already celebrated his 53rd birthday in jail on Wednesday.
Further victimized, it will again be the taxpayer that will pay millions of dollars in lawyer, court, appeals and prison expenses for the Cleveland Beast. That’s so unnecessary, so unjust.
Hold a trial and then hang the Cleveland Beast. I will supply the lumber for the gallows, the rope for the noose, and gladly pull the lever.
But our so-called system of justice will not kill the Cleveland Beast because he didn’t commit a murder in the first degree which is the standard by which some states still have the guts and respect for justice to execute monsters.
What the Cleveland Beast took from those young girls and their families is a fate arguably worse than murder.
The Cleveland Beast murdered them every day for 10-plus years. It is beyond comprehension to imagine being raped scores of times while being locked in a dark basement.
That’s murder of the soul.
There are monsters among us who may look like human beings but who are so depraved that they have more in common with rabid dogs than human beings. It takes more than just looking like a human being to be a human being.
These monsters commit such brutal crimes that they deserve the death penalty and the express lane straight to hell. No one will miss them.
By not imposing swift justice and killing the Cleveland Beast, there will be no real justice. By giving years of lengthy appeals and three squares and a cot, he will be raping Lady Justice, too.
The Cleveland Beast is every bit as rotten as the worst murderer. He deserves to die.
Ted Nugent is a musician and award-winning writer and author of The New York Times best-selling “Ted White & Blue: The Nugent Manifesto” and “God, Guns and Rock 'n' Roll,” along with “Kill It and Grill It,” “BloodTrails,” and “BloodTrails II.” He also is a member of the board of directors of the National Rifle Association. Read more reports from Ted Nugent — Click Here Now.