A documentary-style film about American exceptionalism premiers Friday in Washington, D.C., co-starring former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and other potential GOP presidential hopefuls, CBS News reported Tuesday.
“Exceptionalism for Americans is the belief that the United States is in some way more open, more vigorous, more optimistic than other nations are," Gingrich said in the film's trailer. "Our best leaders have reminded us that we have a moral obligation to the cause of freedom and that the cause of freedom is the cause of all mankind."
The GOP presidential field has taken up the theme of American’s leading place in the world. Some Republicans have said Democrats, including President Barack Obama, have ceded American’s pre-eminent role in world affairs.
“His worldview is dramatically different than any president, Republican or Democrat, we've had," former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee has said of the president. "To deny American exceptionalism is in essence to deny the heart and soul of this nation."
Other presidential contenders appearing the film include, Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann and
Donald Trump, the real estate mogul, billionaire businessman and reality TV star.
"American exceptionalism is really a great term, and it's something that is very special to us," Trump says in the trailer. "And by the way, we have to be very, very careful to protect it and cherish it because it can also disappear."