Amy Schumer angered some fans who then walked out of a Tampa, Florida, show on Sunday when she went on an anti-Trump diatribe that turned into an 11-minute rant about politics.
About halfway through her show at the 10,000-seat Amalie Arena, Schumer called an audience member onto stage and asked him questions about why he was voting for Trump, the Tampa Bay Times reported. After he said he didn’t trust Hillary and that he felt Trump could protect the country, she asked, “Do you worry he’ll be impulsive and get us in a lot of f***ing trouble we can’t get out of?”
After the man left the stage, Schumer called Trump an “orange, sexual-assaulting, fake-college-starting monster,” according to the Tampa Bay Times.
Schumer then said that the allegations that Trump had assaulted women had been very triggering for her (she has said previously that she had been sexually assaulted as a teen) and asked all the survivors of sexual assault to stand up.
When a few fans started to boo her continuing political comments, she said that they should leave and asked security personnel to escort them out. About 200 audience members left at that point, with some going on to request refunds.
Schumer said, “Of course, we’re in Florida, you’re going to boo. I know you’re here to laugh, but you choose how you’re going to live your life, and it’s just too important,” Variety reported.
Audience member Ryan Atwood told the Times, “The show became political. I definitely didn’t come to hear this.”
“We wanted to have a good night without distractions with the politics,” Bryon Infinger, another audience member, added.