Alfred "Big Al" Delia hits dingers, and the internet is his latest fan.
In a six-second ESPN clip that's now viral, the 12-year-old Little League player from Middletown, New Jersey, introduces himself as "Big Al" and says he hits "dingers," or home runs.
“Hi, my name’s Alfred Delia. At home they call me ‘Big Al,’ and I hit dingers,” Delia says in the video.
Middletown lost to Maryland on Friday in the Little League Mid-Atlantic tournament and won’t make it to the Little League World Series, but that didn’t stop many sports sites and regular fans from recognizing the confidence and personality evident in Delia’s clip and commenting about it on social media.
“Welp, found my favorite baseball player ever,” Sports Liker tweeted.
“Big Al is an ANIMAL,” Barstool Sports tweeted while posting another short clip of Delia dancing in the dugout during the game.
“I love that kid with all my heart,” Clemquon tweeted.
“We are all Big Al,” eddie bellz said.
Dalton Johnson of NBC’s Bay Area affiliate headlined his article, “Get Big Al and His Dingers in the Giants’ Lineup,” in reference to Delia’s prowess.
Others on Twitter suggested the phrase “I hit dingers” should be on a T-shirt, maybe as a scholarship fund for Delia.