Bill O'Reilly's divorce details are now on full display thanks to a lengthy tell-all article Gawker blogger John Cook published Monday, accusing the Fox News host of running a smear campaign against his wife of 15 years.
O'Reilly's divorce drama has been privately brewing for nearly two years, but Cook now claims to know insider details, including O'Reilly's attempts to influence the couple's custody battle and also how he tried to ban ex-wife Maureen McPhilmy from the Catholic Church.
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O'Reilly and McPhilmy separated in 2010, and were finally divorced in September 2011. McPhilmy has since remarried — a Nassau County detective — and she and O'Reilly share alternating custody of their two kids.
A "neutral" therapist was court-ordered to mediate any parental disputes, according to Gawker, but O'Reilly reportedly hired the Long Island woman, Lynne Kulakowski, and put her on his payroll with a six-figure salary.
The divorce grew even nastier when O'Reilly, who has significant sway within the archdiocese, supposedly told the church that McPhilmy was receiving communion even though she had been divorced and remarried, Gawker claims (a big no-no, said Pope John Paul II). Gawker alleges that O'Reilly also told the church that McPhilmy had been telling the kids that her second marriage to the Nassau County detective was valid in the eyes of God. McPhilmy was reportedly reprimanded in writing by her Long Island parish.
Gawker says legal documents also show that O'Reilly is seeking an annulment of his 15-year marriage to McPhilmy.
Neither O'Reilly, McPhilmy, or their attorneys responded to Gawker's requests for comment.
The Gawker piece has lots of readers fired up. Many took to the page's comments sections to voice their opinions.
Nave Rezterp:
"Dig into Sean Hannity please. Lets see what he is keeping secret."
"I hope McPhilmy (as unfortunate a name as I've ever heard) takes him for EVERYTHING. And she should also question the validity of her bought-and-paid-for 'church' which, apparently, forgives O'Reilly's adultery, covet they neighbor's, bear false witness, etc. business, but ex-communicates her."
"Los Angeles divorce attorney here. O'Reilly is a piece of s***, but their case is mild for a 'heated' custody action. I wouldn't even blink at their circumstances. Although, the conflict of interest with the therapist is pretty horrible."
"What's wrong with you hate filled liberals. It's his 'PRIVATE' matter and is none of your concern."
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