The TV series "Breaking Bad" provided fans with a fun "Easter egg" in regard to Walt White's GPS coordinates during Sunday's "Buried" episode, but the mysterious numbers will not give them a clue to how the show is going to end.
In what some compared to the popular lottery numbers on the ABC hit series "Lost" in 2009, White, played by Bryan Cranston, uses coordinates on a GPS device to remember where he buried a huge stash of money in the middle of the desert
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Before smashing the GPS, he uses a lottery ticket to "hide" the coordinates, +34, 59, 20.00, -106, 36, 52.
MTV said it wasn't long before fans started digging into the numbers to see if there is a hidden meaning behind them.
There is. The numbers are the GPS coordinates to ABQ Studios in Albuquerque, N.M., where "Breaking Bad" is filmed. The site was also used to shoot scenes from "Marvel's The Avengers," according to MTV.
In the series "Lost," writers used the lottery numbers 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, and 42, played by the character Hurley, to create drama on the show. The numbers kept reappearing at different critical moments during the series.
"Breaking Bad" writers told that the there are no such plans for Walt's GPS numbers.
"Nope. Not even a little," Gordon Smith, "Breaking Bad's" writing assistant told Wired on Monday. "Walt needed to find an inconspicuous way to encode the numbers for his family in the future, and the lottery seemed like a good medium for hiding them in plain sight."
Angela Watercutter of Wired said while she was disappointed that there was not a grander meaning to the Walt's numbers, she was impressed on how quickly fans picked up on the GPS angle, leading them to ABQ Studios.
"It’s still incredible that in just a few short years television has gone from a passive medium to something so meticulously deconstructed that fans would be breaking down those numbers and be guessing about their significance in a matter of hours," Watercutter said in her Underwire blog.
"There are even folks speculating at the meaning of Walt's license plate. Thanks to the Internet, we now live in a media-consumption landscape where everything — colors, locations, numbers, signs, etc. — can be picked apart communally in near real-time, and 'Breaking Bad' is no exception."
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