Caitlyn Jenner Halloween costumes have been quickly pronounced politically incorrect after sparking outrage on social media.
One costume, from
Wholesale Halloween Costumes, is selling for $49.90 and includes shorts, a padded top, a wig and a pageant sash that reads "Call Me Caitlyn." It's meant to mock Jenner's now-famous Vanity Fair cover.
"This unisex costume can be worn by both men and women but either way it's guaranteed to be a show stopper," reads a portion of the costume description.
Another company,, appear to be selling an identical Caitlyn Jenner costume for $74.99,
said the New York Daily News.
"You probably won't break any Twitter records when you wear this outfit like Caitlyn did when she first made her account, but you'll be sure to get a few laughs out of your friends and the other guests at the get together," read's the outfit's description.
A petition taken out by Addison Vincent of Orange, California, has received more than 7,000 signatures asking a third costume distributor, Spirit Halloween, to stop selling its version of the Caitlyn Jenner costume.
"With a reputation of sexist, racist, and culturally appropriative costumes, we are concerned that this costume will continue your oppressive tradition with a transphobic costume of Caitlyn Jenner," reads the petition.
"… To make a costume out of a marginalized identity reduces that person and community to a stereotype for privileged people to abuse. In this case, if you follow through with production of a Caitlyn Jenner costume, cisgender people will purchase it to make fun of her and our community," the petition continued.
Officials at Spirit Halloween, though, defended the costume,
said CNBC.
"At Spirit Halloween, we create a wide range of costumes that are often based upon celebrities, public figures, heroes and superheroes," said Lisa Barr, senior director of marking at Spirit Halloween. "We feel that Caitlyn Jenner is all of the above and that she should be celebrated. The Caitlyn Jenner costume reflects just that."
The costume, nevertheless, has caused some on social media to cringe.